Active listening

From The Meeting Wiki

'Active listening' in the context of meetings refers to the practice of fully focusing on and engaging with the speaker during a discussion. It involves giving one's full attention to the speaker, maintaining eye contact, and being present and attentive to what is being said. Active listening also involves asking questions to clarify understanding and demonstrating empathy and respect for the speaker.

Improving active listening skills can lead to more productive meetings and better communication among team members. Some tips for improving active listening skills in meetings include:

   Be present: Put away any distractions such as mobile phones and laptops and make sure to be fully engaged in the discussion.
   Pay attention: Focus on the speaker and listen actively to what they are saying. Avoid interrupting or talking over the speaker.
   Demonstrate understanding: Paraphrase or summarize what the speaker has said to demonstrate that you have understood their point of view.
   Ask questions: Ask clarifying questions to ensure that you have a full understanding of the speaker's perspective.
   Provide feedback: Provide feedback to the speaker on what you have learned from their perspective and demonstrate that you value their input.
   Show empathy: Demonstrate empathy towards the speaker by acknowledging their perspective and showing respect for their views.

By practicing active listening in meetings, team members can build better relationships, enhance communication, and create a more productive and collaborative work environment.