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Monty the Meeting Cat’s Quote of the Day

There is one reason why humanity has never made the progress it could. That reason is meetingsTest title Dave Berry
Dave Berry Wisdom

The Meeting Post blog

The ‘Continuity’ Meeting

Ever been in a meeting where the only outcome was to agree more meetings? This may not have been an accident. In some circumstances, and/or some types of organisations, there can be a constant need to be seen to be progressing along (notice I avoid saying making progress) but a great anxiety about making real

Closing a Meeting

The sixth stage in our model for effective meetings is Closing a Meeting. On the MeetingArk website you can find discussion groups about Closing a Meeting, and a set of FAQs (and answers) relating to Closing a Meeting. Whilst first impressions are recognised as significant, it is worth remembering that last impressions can be lasting.

Meeting Etiquette

Central to our model for effective meetings is Meeting Etiquette. On the MeetingArk website you can find discussion groups about Meeting Etiquette, and a set of FAQs (and answers) relating to Meeting Etiquette. Our discussion groups on Meeting Etiquette covers a number of topics, starting with attire. How formally or informally should you dress for

